Jared Kushner Contact Address, Phone Number, Email ID, Website, Office

Jared Kushner is a well-known personality in the political world to whom you know as the Senior Advisor to the President of USA. This article circulates around Jared Kushner and mainly prepared for those users who have questions like who is Jared Kushner, what is the phone number of Jared Kushner, what is the email ID of Jared Kushner, what is the website of Jared Kushner, what are the social profiles of Jared Kushner etc. If you also have similar questions, then this article is what you are looking for. Check out the below article to know all of his contact details.

Jared Kushner

Under the presidency of Donald Trump, Jared Kushner was selected as the Senior Advisor who is serving with Stephen Miller and Ivanka Trump. He got this title in Jan 2017. Apart from this post, he is also a Director of the Office of American Innovation. He is married to Ivanka Trump who is the first daughter of President Donald Trump. Besides his political nature, he is an investor, real estate developer, and a publisher by profession. Many of his relatives belong to this industry. Check his contact details now. Other famous celebrities of America are Marla Maples, Lara Trump, Donald Trump and Barack Obama.

About/Wiki Jared Kushner

Jared Kushner Birth Name Jared Corey Kushner
Jared Kushner DOB January 10, 1981

Jared Kushner’s complete name is Jared Corey Kushner. He was born on 10 Jan 1981 in Livingston of New Jersey.

What are the Phone Numbers of Jared Kushner?

Jared Kushner Personal Phone Number N/A
Jared Kushner Whatsapp Number N/A
Jared Kushner Mobile Number N/A
Jared Kushner Office Phone Number N/A
Jared Kushner Fax Number N/A

Jared Kushner has not shared his personal or office numbers officially. You have to wait for his updates.

What are the Email IDs of Jared Kushner?

Jared Kushner Personal Email ID N/A
Jared Kushner Office Email ID N/A

No official email IDs of Jared Kushner are shared by him on any of his sources. We will update the details later.

What are the Contact Addresses of Jared Kushner?

Jared Kushner Residence Address New York, USA
Jared Kushner Office Address N/A

Jared Kushner lives in New York. He has not updated his residence location from past years.

Official Website: N/A

Jared Kushner doesn’t have any website with his own name. When he launched any website, we will publish it.

Social Media Profiles of Jared Kushner

Facebook Fan Page facebook.com/jaredkushnernews
Twitter Handle twitter.com/jaredkushner
Instagram Handle instagram.com/jaredcoreykushner
YouTube Channel N/A
Snapchat ID N/A

Only possible way of connecting with Jared Kushner is social media. Follow all the above profiles of him and stay tuned with him.

Adviser, Jared kushner, Real estate developer, Senior adviser